Saturday 3 November 2018

Underwater Navigator Specialty Course

We will also teach you Navigator

Have you ever wonder how your instructor or Dive Master always find there way back to the boat or finds points of interest underwater. The Underwater Navigator course teachers you the skill and techniques to give you confidence to find your way around.


The Navigation course will teach you how to use the compass underwater using the bezel and the lubber line. To start with we make things easy by learning you with the cardinal points of north, south, east and west. For example if the north is in the 2 index marks on the bezel and you turn round till the south is in the 2 index markers you are on a receptacle heading.
  • Methods to estimate distance underwater.
  • Compass navigation while making at least five turns.
  • Marking or relocating a submerged object or position from the surface.
  • Underwater map making.


Besides your basic scuba equipment, you’ll need a compass and underwater slate. Your PADI Instructor will show you how to use a reel and line for estimating distance underwater.
Diver Prerequisites
  • Certified as PADI (junior) Open WaterDiver
Included in the price
  • 4 Dives 3 Training dives and 1 fun dive
  • This includes all your Padi materials required
  • Transfer to and from hotel
  • Light breakfast, , coffee or tea in the morning
  • Refreshments
  • Lunch
  • Equipment
The cost of the Underwater Navigator course is only 11,000baht.
Maximum 2 to one Padi Instructor.
10% Discount for early booking (10 days before start of the course)

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