Thursday 20 September 2012

Diving in Thailand

We have had a few very exciting sightings this month:
Dawn and Reece came out to Koh Tao with us for a couple of fun dives, they then booked up for another day of diving after they heard about the Sail Rock bull sharks and struck gold when it made an appearance for them – Something they won’t forget for a long time. Aldo was back again this year to do a day of diving with us and picked the right day since just as we were descending a Whale Shark swam over to say hello, slowly swimming in front of us before circling back and swimming right beneath our feet. 
Congratulations to Luca who is now a certified Open Water Diver. His first day in the swimming pool was brilliant and he was a natural on his Open Water dives. We went to Koh Tao for our first day diving, the site was Aow Leuk . Mina joined us for the Open Water dives, even spotting a lionfish hiding under the coral. 
Then on our second day we dived at Sail Rock where we were lucky enough to come up close to a Bull Shark which definitely got all our adrenaline pumping.

As of August 18th Julien is now a certified Open Water Diver. His first day of Open Water diving was at Mango Bay and then Shark Island, where we saw Batfish, Barracuda, Triggerfish and a Blue Ringed Angelfish. His skills were brilliant and he was relaxed underwater so today we went to Sail Rock to finish off his Open water course. Once again we managed to find the Bull Shark that’s been hanging out for the past couple of weeks. 

Towards the end of the month we have had a couple more certifications so congratulations to Abhi and Anu who are now both PADI Open Water Divers
We’ve also had loads more sightings of the now infamous bull sharks who seem to be sticking around for a while!