Friday 15 June 2012

Mo, Stig and David Padi Open Water Course

Congratulation to Mo, Stig and David for passing there open water Course. Teaching these guys was a great pleasure and good fun. The day in the pool was great with brilliant sunshine and temperature in its 30c plus, after showing them how to set up the equipment and buddy checks we jump in to the pool and started to do the skills. After a few minutes they soon got a grasp the way things work.
 The first days diving was at Mango Bay in Koh Tao, where we started from the beach and slowly went down to a depth of 9mtrs. The second dive was done at Twins where the visibility was about 8mtrs. Here we did some of the skills we praticed in the swimming pool and I must say they did them like a seasoned divers.

The next day we head of out to Sail Rock to do the last two dives. Once there we did our buddy checks and in we went, the visibility wasn't great but we did two great dives. A great time had by all and three new divers enter the diving world  will done guys and hope to see you soon.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Well done to Paul and Beer for completing there Padi open water course. They did there first to dives at Koh Tao at Mango Bay then at Lighthouse, on there last dive at Twins we en counted a Turtle which dive the dive.