Monday 8 October 2012

Lamai Scuba Divers: Septembers Diving

Lamai Scuba Divers: Septembers Diving: September was a busy month for us, with loads of dives at Sail Rock to see the Bull Sharks – with a few very close encounters. Paul and ...

Septembers Diving

September was a busy month for us, with loads of dives at Sail Rock to see the Bull Sharks – with a few very close encounters.
Paul and Beer are now Advanced Open Water divers! We had a great couple of days at Sail Rock (with the Bull Sharks) and Koh Tao. So congratulations and hopefully next time we’ll find a whale shark!
Simon has one more day of diving to do and then he’ll also have passed his Advanced course.
We have had a couple of Open Water courses, congratulations to Liam! Just at the end of September Colin started his Open Water, he has finished his theory so now to get in the water.
Davie was back this month to do a few fun dives and he has started on his Advanced Open Water! We have to mention that he managed to get to 30m and still had a dive time of 40 minutes! Everyone not only on our boat but all the boats at Sail Rock knew just how happy he was with that dive!
Magic and Andrew came diving with us that day too, Andrews first dive out in the open ocean and everyone had an awesome day.
Jason came out diving for 3 days with us we went to Koh Tao for a couple of days and then took him to Sail Rock to have a look at our favourite sharks.
We also had Pavel and his girlfriend do a day of Discover Scuba Diving, they both loved it and hopefully this is the start for them getting the diving bug!

Congratulation to Deborah who is now a certified Divemaster she passed with flying colours even the stress test once again Deborah well done and my you have some fantastic diving adventures.  

Thursday 20 September 2012

Diving in Thailand

We have had a few very exciting sightings this month:
Dawn and Reece came out to Koh Tao with us for a couple of fun dives, they then booked up for another day of diving after they heard about the Sail Rock bull sharks and struck gold when it made an appearance for them – Something they won’t forget for a long time. Aldo was back again this year to do a day of diving with us and picked the right day since just as we were descending a Whale Shark swam over to say hello, slowly swimming in front of us before circling back and swimming right beneath our feet. 
Congratulations to Luca who is now a certified Open Water Diver. His first day in the swimming pool was brilliant and he was a natural on his Open Water dives. We went to Koh Tao for our first day diving, the site was Aow Leuk . Mina joined us for the Open Water dives, even spotting a lionfish hiding under the coral. 
Then on our second day we dived at Sail Rock where we were lucky enough to come up close to a Bull Shark which definitely got all our adrenaline pumping.

As of August 18th Julien is now a certified Open Water Diver. His first day of Open Water diving was at Mango Bay and then Shark Island, where we saw Batfish, Barracuda, Triggerfish and a Blue Ringed Angelfish. His skills were brilliant and he was relaxed underwater so today we went to Sail Rock to finish off his Open water course. Once again we managed to find the Bull Shark that’s been hanging out for the past couple of weeks. 

Towards the end of the month we have had a couple more certifications so congratulations to Abhi and Anu who are now both PADI Open Water Divers
We’ve also had loads more sightings of the now infamous bull sharks who seem to be sticking around for a while!

Friday 15 June 2012

Mo, Stig and David Padi Open Water Course

Congratulation to Mo, Stig and David for passing there open water Course. Teaching these guys was a great pleasure and good fun. The day in the pool was great with brilliant sunshine and temperature in its 30c plus, after showing them how to set up the equipment and buddy checks we jump in to the pool and started to do the skills. After a few minutes they soon got a grasp the way things work.
 The first days diving was at Mango Bay in Koh Tao, where we started from the beach and slowly went down to a depth of 9mtrs. The second dive was done at Twins where the visibility was about 8mtrs. Here we did some of the skills we praticed in the swimming pool and I must say they did them like a seasoned divers.

The next day we head of out to Sail Rock to do the last two dives. Once there we did our buddy checks and in we went, the visibility wasn't great but we did two great dives. A great time had by all and three new divers enter the diving world  will done guys and hope to see you soon.

Saturday 2 June 2012

Well done to Paul and Beer for completing there Padi open water course. They did there first to dives at Koh Tao at Mango Bay then at Lighthouse, on there last dive at Twins we en counted a Turtle which dive the dive.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Hi eveyone been a busy week getting the new shop sorted and signs but nearly there except for the signs they sould be here soon. On Monday we help Water edge sports out as they need a dive instructor for the day on the boat to Koh Tao. On Wednesday we went to Sail Rock, the trip out was a bit choppy 1mtr swell. The diving was great even thou the visibilty wasn't as good as the other day. There was two giant moray eels together lots of batfish, barracuda, giant groups and yellow strip fusiliers but no whale shark.
Congratulation to Mark on passing his Padi Open Water course on Friday. He did his first dive a Mango Bay and then Shark Island on Thursday, then on Friday Mango drop off and his last dive at Nang-Yuan.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Simon Padi open water course

Hi everyone 
 First I would like to congratulate Simon on passing his Padi Open Water Course we ease, he made it look easy. The first two dives in the sea we did in Koh Tao at a place called Aow Leuk and visibility was superb. The best was yet to come the next day we sailed to Sail Rock with Bophut Diving School the trip there only took about 1 hour, once there the visibilty was about 30mtrs and just so much marina life the only thing missing was a whale shark. We are planning a trip there again this Friday the 18th so fingers crossed for the whale shark. Heres a few photos of the fish on the dive plus the boss Colin from Bophut.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Shop Move

Hi everyone we have now moved to a new location put not far from the old shop. If you just walk about 100mtrs further up the road towards WMC we are opposite Aloha Resort and next to the booking office of Lamoon Lamai Residence

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Diving in Koh Tao

On Monday it was great to get back on the boat with calm seas as over the new new year its been pretty rough out there, plus the visibility is getting better too.
Robert getting set for hes first 2 dives
 The day started great we had 3 Padi Advance divers 1 guy Robert doing his Padi Open Water dives 1 and 2 plus 3 snorkelling, The trip out to Koh Tao only took 1 hour and 20 minutes, we drop the snorkelers and the open water at Mango Bay and the water was looking clear as a bell then the rest of us set out to Chumpon Pinnacle. Once there bubby checks done we were ready to go, I jump in first doing the giant stride and the rest followed with one guy doing the stride in to the sea a bit different to the rest of us.
Giant Stride 
We swim to the mooring line everyone ready we started our descent down, the first 8mtr was green and I thought great I hope it gets better and true enough it did 20mtr plus. It has to be one of my best dives this year there was a big shoal of giant barracudas, batfish, huge groupers and many more but sadly no whale shark. Dive finished we headed back to Mango Bay had lunch and relaxed on the beach for about 1 hour. The next dive was at Twins next to Koh Nangyuan which has to be one of the most beautiful in the Gulf of Thailand. The dive was good but we had been spoiled from our first dive. The trip back was good as the sea was flat as a pancake.
 Our next trip out is on 18th Jan with our partners Bophut Diving School on the purpose built dive boat Sao Samui Two.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Diving in Koh Samui

Lamai Scuba Divers:

Hi everyone hope you all...
: Hi everyone hope you all had a great new year, we did here in Koh Samui with lots of fireworks on the beach. Now t...

Hi everyone hope you all had a great new year, we did here in Koh Samui with lots of fireworks on the beach. Now that the weather has calmed down we are back to diving once again. Over the new year celebration the weather has been stormy and wet with a few floods here in Samui, now its blue skys and calm seas. First i would like to congratulate Wei from Singapore and Martin from Denmark for completing there Padi Open water on new years eve and not in ideal condition's as the visibility was about 6-8 meters, waves about 1 meter.

  Yesterday was our first day out on the boat, the trip out was nice and calm. We had 12 people on the boat 2 from Lamai and 10 from Bophut Diving School ( With a mix bunch of divers, Eric had four discover scuba diver so we drop them of at Sai Ree Beach in Koh Tao and the rest of us went to a dive site called Pee Wee about 2 km away. We all got ready buddy checks done and ready to go, once in we swam to the buoy line and slowly descent down. It them came obvious because of the storms the visibility was down to about 3 meters boo, we carried on down to 18 meters and did a 40 minute dive.
 Even with the poor visibility the customers still enjoyed the dive as it was great to get back in the water. The second dive was at Twins next to Nangyuan Island and the visibility was a little bit better.
Tomorrow which is Friday we have a full boat to Koh Tao, so fingers crossed the visibility should be getting better and on Saturday full boat again. The sea conditions are looking a lot better to with waves about 0.5 of a metre.
So stay tuned for further updates on the conditions